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Stateline Sauce Company is a family-owned company that began in 2020 and prides itself on a flavor-first mindset. Stateline is a wonderful by-product of the chaos surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.
During the shutdown during the early stages of Covid, Mark Wagner had an abundance of tomatoes from his garden and just as much free time. He decided he wanted to turn this surplus into a BBQ sauce. He enlisted the help of his oldest son, Craig, because this was right up his alley. After several attempts and modifications, the results improved and there was cause for hope. In 2021, that hope was dashed by a tomato crop that didn't fare well enough to make large batches of BBQ sauce. Fortunately for all of us, this bad luck didn't extend to peppers and chilies, so Mark pivoted towards hot sauce. After a couple of tries and many lessons learned, they felt they had a pretty good sauce. They decided to share it and get some feedback. The reviews were very promising — promising enough that the first nuggets about opening a business were dropped, and a seed was planted. Several trial runs, and many flavors later, the realization hit that this HAD to be shared with the rest of the world. With this idea gaining more momentum, Mark's daughter, Kerrie, joined the boys for the initial trial run of the Cali Verde Sauce and is the driving force behind the business aspect of Stateline.
With the family focused on getting Stateline off the ground, the effort officially launched in 2022, and here we are, ready and waiting to fulfill your flavor needs. We are confident you and your families will enjoy our family's hot sauces. Lastly, we here at Stateline Sauce Company would like to thank all our friends and family that have supported us on this journey.
Thank you,
Mark, Craig, and Kerrie Wagner
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